Why we have it?

Many companies face a range of performance challenges, often tackled in isolation. But, they don’t have to.

Psychological safety is crucial for organisational performance, yet it’s often misunderstood. As our Innovation & Strategy Director, Dr. Alexandra Dobra-Kiel (link), explains, true psychological safety balances comfort and discomfort, encouraging employees to step beyond their comfort zones and take calculated risks.

This is the essence of Reveal-EX™: our proprietary framework that transcends traditional psychological safety solutions by nurturing this delicate balance. With our tools, companies can cultivate a culture of innovation, engagement, and resilience, empowering them to tackle today’s complex performance challenges.

Behave psychological safety framework

How it works

Reveal EX™ is the catalyst for transforming organisational performance, addressing challenges in productivity, innovation, retention, and customer satisfaction.

We begin with a comprehensive analysis to evaluate the company’s current state of psychological safety and identify any barriers, such as cultural or resource challenges. Then, once the needed changes have been identified, we develop a robust intervention framework that aligns with the company’s overall goals.

The last step is to embed our newly enhanced psychological safety framework into the company’s culture, ensuring it is woven through all operational aspects for meaningful, lasting results.

What this means for you

Reveal-EX™ enhances performance for individuals, teams, and entire organisations, delivering tangible results that significantly impact overall business success

By fostering a work environment that strikes a balance between comfort and discomfort, Reveal-EX™ drives significant bottom-line benefits and empowers employees to go beyond their usual roles, actively contribute to company goals, and achieve remarkable business results. This drives substantial improvements in engagement, productivity, innovation, employee retention, and customer satisfaction.

Download and read our whitepaper “The Death Of The Comfort Zone? Unwrapping Psychological Safety In The Workplace”, written by our Innovation & Strategy Director, Dr Alexandra Dobra-Kiel, which delivers an in-depth analysis of psychological safety in the workplace.

Hitachi Energy | Katharina Auer, VP & Head of Internal

“It was great to educate the team on what psychological safety is and is not, and how it impacts not only employee engagement and company performance, but all of us individually.”

A new way of thinking to drive business growth