Behave launches employee experience solution that boosts workplace performance

Today marks the launch of our Employee Experience Solution (Reveal-EX™), as part of our employee consulting service line.
Our solution aims to help companies unwrap employee experience, with a specific focus on psychological safety, by building and embedding it into their DNAs and core values. This integrated approach identifies key employee-related challenges and creates a strategy to help companies with talent attraction and retention, productivity and innovation, as well as on diversity, inclusion and belonging.
Employee turnover causes businesses to lose an estimate $600bn (£489bn) a year, with current solutions being often siloed and not properly addressing psychological safety. Focusing on this has been shown to reduce employee turnover by 27%.
Our innovation and strategy director, Alexandra Dobra-Kiel, said: “Nurturing psychological safety amongst employees is crucial for the bottom line. It’s all the more crucial in a rapidly changing and unpredictable world, as companies need employees who learn and grow, make a difference, and make things better – psychological safety is the bedrock for unlocking these. Our solution will help drive performance at the individual, team, and organisational levels.”
Our Employee Experience Solution includes two phases. The first phase measures psychological safety through a proprietary layered research approach to ensure the integrity and robustness of the findings. The second phase builds and embeds psychological safety in companies’ culture through proprietary change modules, which are tailored to each company and monitored over time, to ensure the real-world implementation of the change.
Our CEO, Tom Laranjo, concluded: “Since its inception, the mission of Behave has been to help our clients drive sustainable business growth through a superior understanding of the real influences of human behaviour.
“With the launch of our Employee Experience Solution (Reveal-EX™), designed by the fabulous Dr Alexandra Dobra-Kiel, we are bringing this expertise to bear on an area that truly sits at the heart of any successful company. Reveal-EX™ simply and elegantly audits the key drivers of psychological safety, providing clear and actionable behaviour change solutions to help enable a superior culture.”
For more information on the importance of psychological safety read about our Employee Experience solution and how we can help here.
This article was originally published in The Accountant Online.